Dr.Subramanian Swamy interview on Hinduism with CTS TV Canada - Part1
5 days ago
Christianity in its core spiritual values, of love, compassion, truth. ... is no different from any other religion. But , except for this, Christian texts,like Islamic ones, are full of many untenable and invalid and downright irrational nonsense which have been overthrown over centuries due to secular-scientific thinking.
>> b.
5 days ago
>> b)The Christian church right from te Vatican Pope down to local bishops preach fanaticism and intolerance merely because that is what those people think will testify to their loyalty to Jesus. This is untenable and will be forcefully, and wherever necessary, forcibly, is being countered by adherents of rival religions.
5 days ago
>> c) In other words, what we call today terrorism is traceable to these bigots and fanatis of Christianity, which has absolutely no locus standi to try and expand its flock size, but due to the accumulated monetary resources and virtually unlimited hordes of propagandists and Evangelicals who must be kept busy, has sprawled horribly across all the globe.
5 days ago
>> d) The Christian bigots, in their highly systematised epansion ampaigns using deceiptful methods of brainwashing of innocent and gullible and needy people everwhere, have no scruples to unleash deceptions like miracle cures, and have first denigrated and finally desecrated considerably the other religions and their cultures which too are God's gifts. Hinduism and Buddhism, in fact, are much more ancient except in Christian falsehoods through their own history writings.
5 days ago
>> e) ... But the narrow minded and bigotted chrisatian church preaches Jesus as THE son of God and the 'Christian god' as sthe onl TRUE God, and the God of other religions leads man to hell. South Korea, after Philippines which is now one of the most criminalised societies after its total Christianisation, is the most active hotspots for these fanatic.
5 days ago
>> f) The new Chrisianised S. Korea is a model for a people who have all but lost their Buddhist spiritual soul to a rubbiosh called Christianity which has let down the West itself. It is followed by India where missionary hordes have stepped up their conversion activities with illegally imported funds and resources acquired illegally and through deceitful means (like, for charities which are masks for conversion activities).
5 days ago
g) In the name of adding Jesus as one more Hindu idol, for Hinduism as the best evolved way of living for all humanity, welomes -- as the interviewee in this video says in his own way -- adding to its pantheon new and inclusive forms of God represntation with friendly arms, the Evangelicals have driven a deep wedge with communal poison, and are demanding separate state outside Indian sovereignty, where theey are in major numbers. >> (h)
5 days ago
h) This separatism and instigation of insurgency against the Indian state is a seasoned art of historical missionary hordes. In India's case, it is clear bullshit since India is just one fifth of the US in land area, and about 6 times bigger in population, though due to very deep culural and spiritual roots, has much more of family and living values.
5 days ago
i) India, moreover, has all its limited natural resurces under extreme pressure due to humongous population including illegal exoduses of mostly Muslims, from outside pouring into the landscape, by bribing their way with a corrupt Border police and being welomed by vote bank poliicians. Do these missionary fools ever pause to investigate what this conversion actually converts ?
5 days ago
j) Religion conversions in principle are required to be never induced as if man is basically unaware or unconscious of his own spiritual needs and drive, and proselytisation therefore is an aberration. In actual practice, Christianity ends up converting (changing) only the materialistic status of a person, which is NOT the funcion of a religion but an perverison, not conversion,
I am a fan of Josh Schrei, who helped me understand G-O-D (Generator-Operator-Destroyer) concept of the divine that is so pervasive in the Vedic tradition/experience. Quantum Theology by Diarmuid O'Murchu and Josh Schrei article compliments the spiritual implications of the new physics.
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Monday, November 22, 2010
Dr.Subramanian Swamy interview on Hinduism with CTS TV Canada - Part1
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